Let's be fair: the housing market in the Netherlands is atrocious. Ymere found that nearly 40% of dutch tenants have a desire to move houses within 2 years, but many don't dare to. The market is stuck. Ymere wanted to change that. The premise was enticing: create the Tinder for house swapping. A great idea, but nobody knew what it would truly be. Yet. An enormous amount of research was spend on defining the need, yet the service itself was undetermined. The starting point would be a digital service that would bring latent tenants together to facilitate the exchange.
The Pressure Cooker process
We conducted a Google Design Sprint, at Fabrique called a Pressure Cooker, with Ymere. During this 2-week process, we rapidly iterated on ideas through rigorous cycles of designing, prototyping and testing.
The result
Moving from Powerpoints and research documents, we created a clickable prototype, that showcased key user journeys such as creating a profile that includes your current home, setting up search criteria, Tindering other people's houses, and more. This user-driven approach informed the (digital) service's requirements moving forward with Ymere.
After the Pressure Cooker, a different team would eventually fully complete the digital service.